Layer Marney Church is tucked away behind the magnificent Layer Marney Towers. It seats 160 and has a generous space in the north aisle where our hosts offer refreshments during the interval.
MAP showing the church and the pub where you could eat dinner.
From the B1022 road follow the brown signs to Layer Marney Tower. Continue along the road, past the entrance to the Tower. At the end of this road turn right and drive along the track to the church. From this track you will see a splendid view of the Tower on your right. There is space to park in front of the church.
The Hare and Hounds, Layer Breton, CO2 0PN
01206 330 459 Open from 6pm.
5-7 minutes by car from the church
The ancient and beautiful church of St Mary the Virgin is next door to the famous historic house of Layer Marney Tower. The church was rebuilt by Henry, 1st Lord Marney and John 2nd Lord Marney at the beginning of the 16th century, and left unfinished on the death of the 2nd and last Lord Marney. Their wills made provision for the church to be finished. Restorations were carried out in 1870 and 1911.
The church, all in the Perpendicular style, is built of Tudor brick (reputed to have been made locally). It has a west tower. On the north wall of the nave is a mural of St Christopher, dating from c.1520, which was uncovered in 1870. Also in the church are the tombs of the 1st Lord Marney who died in 1523, and his son John, 2nd Lord Marney, who died in 1525. A further item of interest is a five hundred year old iron-bound chest, given to the church by Lord Henry Marney or willed to it by his son.